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5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hot Tub Soaking

Hot water therapy has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. With all the therapeutic benefits they offer, it’s no wonder why hot tubs are such a popular backyard feature. There is tons of research that show how hot water therapy can positively affect an individual physically, mentally and spiritually. If you haven’t given much thought to how a hot tub can improve your life, read on, as we list five benefits that hot tub soaking can provide.

Relieves Pain and Tension

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hot Tub Soaking

Regular soaking in your hot tub can drastically reduce muscle aches and pains. The heat works to relax your muscles while the jets work to massage those tense areas. By relieving muscle tension, you can prevent headaches and reduce inflammation. Soaking in your tub is an excellent way to soothe arthritic pain and increase the overall circulation in your body. Whether you’ve pinched a nerve, pulled a muscle, or have exhausted your muscles, soaking in a hot tub even for a few minutes is guaranteed to give you immediate relief.

Improves Cardiovascular Well-Being

A good soak in your hot tub can improve heart and cardiovascular health. The heat of the waterworks to raise your body temperature. This helps to lower your blood pressure and increase your heart rate. This may explain why you might feel sleepy or slightly drowsy after a long soak. Ultimately, it’s a great way to get a little heart exercise while relaxing at the same time. As always, if you have known medical issues with high blood pressure or any other existing health concerns, please consult with your doctor before soaking!

Reduces Lactic Acid

If you’re an athlete, then you’ll be familiar with how the build-up of lactic acid during intense workouts can create a burning sensation in your muscles. It can really put a damper on your athletic ability by slowing you down. If you’re experiencing this and are looking for effective ways to speed up your recovery process, a hot tub is your perfect solution! You can reduce lactic acid build-up by taking a nice soothing soak in a hot tub. The increased blood circulation that you experience from the heat counters the build-up of the lactic acid in your muscles, providing immediate relief and a faster recovery.

Relaxes Your Mind

Your body isn’t the only thing that benefits from a hot tub – your mind will too. If you’ve experienced a stressful day or are suffering from higher than normal levels of stress recently, a hot tub soak can help you relax. Soaking in warm water has been identified as helping to release the hormone called dopamine, which helps our bodies fight stress, and helps enhance your overall mood. When you factor in the mood lighting, soothing jets and aromatherapy that can surround you in a quality hot tub, several elements will help you feel more calm and tranquil. What are you waiting for? 

Helps You Sleep

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hot Tub Soaking

If you have been experiencing problems with sleeping, your hot tub can help. Hot tubs work to raise your internal body temperature, when you step out, the cooling effect works to send you into a state of relaxation and zen. If you soak in a hot tub for 20 minutes about two hours before bedtime, you will be able to fall asleep quicker and easier.

The next time you’re enjoying a hot tub soak, remember all the benefits it can provide for your health – from physical pain relief to emotional release – it’s easy to find incentive and reason to take a soak, or even spend an evening dipping in and out. There is a recommended amount of time to soak, so make sure to follow the guidelines here!  Ready to buy a hot tub? Browse our hot tub specials or visit Purewater in store to explore your options.


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