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Is Your Pool Leaking?

Do you feel like you spend a lot of time topping up your pool? In some climates, this can be an almost daily activity due to low humidity and high temperatures, and natural evaporation accounts for a lot of water loss.  That kind of frequency is not typically the case in the Ottawa region. When the loss of water becomes more noticeable or frequent, it could point to a potential leak.

Pool leaks can occur inside or outside of the pool, and can be caused by cracked piping underground or a leaky appliance such as a heater or filter. A leak is not just inconvenient; it costs you money in fresh water, balancing chemicals, and heat. It can also cause damage to the pool equipment if the water level falls below the intake.  Left undetected, a leaky pool over the winter can even collapse.

If you think your pool is leaking, here are some ways to spot and stop the leak at the source:

How to Figure Out if There’s a Leak

One simple way to test for a leak is to cover the pool.  Using a solar blanket or a liquid solar blanket effectively reduces evaporation by 60 to 80%.  If your suspected leak appears to “go away” when you leave the pool covered, it’s probably not leaking.

Begin your leak hunt by checking the visible components of your pool – filter, pump, heater, and chlorinator – look for any obvious signs of a leak. Check the ground (both pool surround and grass) for signs of moisture. This could help pinpoint the leak. Look for obvious tears, cracks, or gaps in the pool liner, steps, skimmer, or lights. If you inspect all of these elements and they appear in good shape, it’s time to do a test.

Monitoring the Water Level

 There are a couple of easy methods to monitor the water level before calling in the pros for a more detailed inspection. Place a piece of tape at the water level on the side of the pool. Fill a bucket filled about ¾ of the way with water, and rest it on the pool steps or ladder. Mark the water line inside the bucket with tape as well.

Return in 24-48 hours. If the water levels are the same both inside the bucket and inside the pool (for example, both are down 2 centimeters) this shows that evaporation is the culprit and there’s no leak to worry about. Alternatively, if the water level in the pool drops faster than the level in the bucket, you have a leak in your pool.

 How to Fix a Leak

Purewater can help you with pool leak detection and repair. Most leaks are in the plumbing, so give us a call and we’ll perform a pressure test to identify the source of the leak. From there, we can either show you where to dig, or remove the existing lines and replace them. While we’re at it, why not upgrade old plumbing lines to wider, more durable, more efficient pipes?

If the leak is in the body of the pool, we can arrange for a diver to come and isolate and repair the leak.  If you feel like your pool has sprung a leak somewhere and you’re forced to top it up more often than normal, give us a call! We have qualified professionals that can identify and repair them if necessary so that you can get back to enjoying your pool without the constant hassle of refilling it, not to mention the wasted money.

613-726-0099 [email protected]
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