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A Quick Guide to Getting Your Hot Tub Ready

As the evenings get brighter and you peel away those winter layers, summer will be here before you know it. Whether you’ve taken a few snowy dips in your hot tub this winter or had it hibernate along with you, here a few tips to get it prepped and ready for those sweet summer nights.

Change the Water

If you haven’t used your hot tub this winter, chances are that the level of Total Dissolved Solids, (TDS) are high. With the stagnation of water over the winter months, your spa water may be cloudy with off odours. If you have any doubt about the condition of the spa water, just bring sample to the store and we’ll do a free water test.

Spa Purge

It’s important to get rid off all of that invisible build up that congeals within the plumbing lines. So before you drain it, run a few cycles in your hot tub with spa purge or line flush products. This will help break down build up and clear out the plumbing to keep your water fresh.

Rinse and Clean

After months of sitting in stale water, you’ll want to give that tub a good scrub and rinse. Get behind the pillows and any areas that may have any build up, debris or residue. You want that interior to be in ship shape for the summer.

Clean the Filters

While you’re cleaning your tub, take the opportunity to take a look at your filters. If they’re disposable and looking a bit grimy, buy new ones. If you have reusable filters, soak them in cartridge cleaning solution overnight and pop them back in. For best results, we recommend cycling between two sets of filters. Filters that have been left to dry completely work better!

Mineral Balance and Start Up

You need to ensure that the mineral levels in your water are balanced, and that water stays fresh and clean.  You can drop in a Nature-2 cartridge into the water and let it get to work, or simply follow your “fresh fill” instruction sheet that was provided with your hot tub.  Can’t find your fresh fill instructions?  Drop by Purewater with a sample of fresh water for a complimentary analysis and prescription!

Owning a hot tub is like having your own little piece of relaxing paradise. By simply follow these quick steps, you can eliminate any stress involved in getting it ready for the summer so that you can simply hop in and enjoy after a long, stressful day. After all, the purpose of your hot tub is to relax, not work.

If you have any questions about getting your hot tub ready, or have any problems that you’d like to address, get in touch with Purewater or come visit us in store, we’re happy to help!

613-726-0099 [email protected]
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