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Author Archive


Is Your Pool Leaking?

May 29th, 2017

Do you feel like you spend a lot of time topping up your pool? In some climates, this can be an almost daily activity due to low humidity and high temperatures, and natural evaporation accounts for a lot of water loss.  That kind of frequency is not typically the case in the Ottawa region. When the loss of water becomes more noticeable or frequent, it could point to a potential […]

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Keeping Your Hot Tub Clean This Summer

May 15th, 2017

As the warmer weather arrives, it means it’s time to gear up for some relaxing summer evenings and plenty of spa time in the hot tub. With the onset of that hot and humid weather, it is important to maintain your hot tub regularly and keep it clean to avoid a smelly, icky tub. If the summer time is your spa time, then make sure to get it ready and […]

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The Importance of Proper Water Balance In Your Pool

May 8th, 2017

If you currently own a pool, it’s likely the place that your family and friends spend quality time together, keeping cool and having fun during those warm summer months. Keeping it safe for swimming is important for everyone’s health and well being. Most people don’t really understand the proper procedures for pool maintenance and just how important it can be. Balancing your pool is not only important for your health […]

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Summer Relaxation Starts with Pool Maintenance Services

April 24th, 2017

Believe it or not, owning a pool doesn’t lock you into long, sweaty days of cleaning the pool when you’d rather be swimming in it. What if you could dive in and cool off while having someone else take care of the upkeep for you? That’s where Purewater comes in! Forget about testing water, dipping leaves, and changing filters – enjoy your summer more when you hire pool maintenance professionals […]

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Dive into Pool Opening Season!

April 17th, 2017

Ready for the summer?  You might be, but your pool certainly isn’t after those long winter months of hibernation. As the warmer weather approaches, you will want to maximize your swimming and enjoyment time, and minimize your workload, so it’s best to gear up, plan ahead, and get started on some pre-opening pool-related chores to get ready for the season. Be ready to enjoy the pool as soon as you […]

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Spring is Here…Is Your Spa Ready?

April 10th, 2017

With warmer spring air finally here, it’s the best time to service your spa. While most spa owners are year-round bathers, many will wait for the warmth of spring to fire it up and really begin enjoying their hot tub. Whether your season is just starting up or not, after a long winter now is the ideal time to give the hot tub a once-over.  Follow this to-do list so […]

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Darts Academy: Perfecting the Throw

March 27th, 2017

What’s so complex about throwing a dart? You hold it. You throw it. It hits, hopefully in the vicinity of where you aimed it. That’s all well and good if you’re casually playing darts while waiting for the football game to start at the local pub, but if you’re serious about darts then proper form and technique are crucial. Improve accuracy and performance by understanding the physics and mechanical science […]

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What You Need to Have the Perfect Home Bar

March 6th, 2017

Are you dreaming about having your own little bar set upright in the comfort of home? Well, it’s easier than you think! Plus, once all is said and done, just think of how great it will be to have the family and friends over to show it off, along with your new mixology skills! Stop dreaming – it’s time to plan the perfect home bar. Furniture You can really use […]

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Make Your Kids’ Games Room Amazing

February 24th, 2017

It’s the dead of winter. The temperature is -30°C outside, snow is up to your elbows, and it’s a snow day at school. The kids walk into the room and say the words every parent dreads to hear: “I’m bored.” With a games room, that dastardly statement can be scrubbed from their vocabulary. A games room is a place for kids to let loose without unleashing destruction on the rest […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Hot Tubs

February 16th, 2017

Whether you have just purchased a new hot tub or you’re a long-time owner, there a few things you should know to get the most out of your home spa experience. Consider these dos and don’ts:   Dos   Do Shower Before Entering Just like entering a pool, it’s always a good idea to take a quick shower before hopping in the hot tub, particularly if you are the one […]

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