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Author Archive


Why Everyone is Talking About Purewater Pool Tables

October 24th, 2016

From the local bar to the classy billiards club – the game of pool knows no boundaries and remains a favorite Canadian pastime. When it comes to the game of pool, no one knows it better than the staff at Purewater. If you’re thinking about purchasing a pool table for your home, here are a few reasons why you should need look no further. A Great Long-Term Investment Although the […]

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Why Autumn is the Best Time to Get a Hot Tub

October 17th, 2016

The internal struggle that has taken you over for many years is finally tearing you apart. You can’t take it anymore: the endless nights kept awake, inwardly debating, never certain if it’s the right time or not. Fear not – now is the time to rest easy. YES, it is finally time to buy a hot tub! Here are three reasons that autumn is the best time of year to […]

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Pool Training 101

October 10th, 2016

Having a pool is a barrel of fun, but there is maintenance involved.  Responsible pool ownership requires vigilance and attention to detail. What happens if you have never owned a pool before, or if your pool is so old that what used to work just doesn’t anymore? If you find yourself asking frequent questions about your pool but receiving very little in the way of answers, you should call Purewater […]

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Your Relaxing Guide to Hot Tub Meditation

September 26th, 2016

You come home from a long day at work, you put your feet up, sit back and relax. Except your mind starts to swarm with thoughts about that annoying client, that jerk who cut you off in traffic, or an upcoming presentation that’s got you stressing. If your usual relaxation routines aren’t cutting it, it may be time to upgrade to hot tub meditation. Crank up the heat, get those […]

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3 Reasons to Choose A Professional Pool Closing

September 15th, 2016

When it comes to closing your pool, it can be a daunting and messy process. You’ve got to do it right, and you can’t miss a step, even though you’d rather be relaxing inside watching Sunday afternoon football and enjoying pumpkin spice everything. Fortunately, you can hire a professional, who, with the right equipment and expertise, will do the job right for you so you don’t have to lift a […]

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Why It’s Too Early to Close Your Pool

September 9th, 2016

With the kids now back in school and everyone back to their regularly scheduled programming, you’ve got to ask: is it closing time? Just because the summer break is done it doesn’t mean you need to pack up the fun as well. If you’re feeling unsure about keeping your pool open for a little while longer, here are few good reasons why you should keep the good times rolling: Embrace […]

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Zapping Pool Algae Once and For All

September 5th, 2016

There’s nothing worse than having pool algae invite themselves to your pool party. Green or yellow algae can quickly throw a damper once it appears. And when it starts to fester, is can become a nightmare to get rid of. If you’re struggling to keep algae away from your pool, there could be a few probable factors at play. Here are a few common ones: Pool Filtration and Circulation An […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Yoga

August 29th, 2016

It may sound a bit strange, but your hot tub is a great place to incorporate some yoga into your life. Think of hot yoga, but in a much more soothing environment. You get the benefits of relaxing your muscles with the jets and keeping them warm and limber in order to reduce over-stretching or injury. Floating in warm water, being buoyant, generally means a lot less wear and tear […]

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Water Conservation & Your Pool

August 22nd, 2016

With Ottawa experiencing moderate drought conditions this summer, being water wise is as important as ever. As a pool owner, it is essential that you practice water conservation techniques to help the planet…and your wallet. With these few easy steps, you can enjoy all a backyard pool has to offer and do your part to help the environment at the same time: Use Pool Covers This may seem like a […]

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Myths and Facts:  Water Chemistry

August 9th, 2016

Taking care of a pool comes down to science. It really is all about chemistry and physics. For many of us, years removed from high school science classes, it’s not as simple as it should be.  Often, customers come into our store with misconceptions about how to maintain their pool. Sometimes it’s something they learned on the internet, sometimes advice from a neighbour or friend. Whatever the source, if it’s […]

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